New Roads Ahead
In my backyard is an orange tree. God gives us what we need not only when we need it, but also when we are ready to accept it. It’s the winter season now in Phoenix and my citrus trees have plenty of oranges growing very large. The cold season is when people get sick and we need help fighting our illnesses. Vitamin C helps to do this—and oranges are packed with vitamin C. It’s amazing that God provides for us the things we need when we need them.
As we move forward through life, reflection becomes imperative in avoiding the same struggles we encountered in the past. It is through that lens we can now confidently walk without pitfalls. There’s no denying that I now possess positive qualities because of these struggles—qualities gifted to me unasked-for and unopened at first, but definitely needed. These are special gifts born only out of strife. I had to accept the gifts and open the gifts before I saw real change in my life. It’s mid-January 2024 and I have a heart of forgiveness that has been nurtured through the joy I have found in serving Jesus—causing me to not be fearless, but I definitely fear-less about much. Today is my last day attending Phoenix Seminary, and it is an experience that I will take with me always.

I circled to the front of my house as it was still dark this morning and looked at a fig tree in my front yard that has no leaves or fruit—reminded of the curse Jesus placed on the fig tree (that did have leaves) in Mark 11:12-14. Throughout the New Testament Jesus would wake up early in the morning while it was still dark and go to the “high places” to pray. There is something peaceful in this practice he has taught us. I’ve incorporated this practice into my daily life, waking while it is still dark—before the sun is up—so I can pray. Once a week I also hike up Lookout Mountain to do the same thing. Looking at my fig tree today, I am reminded that on the week Jesus was crucified, he saw a fig tree after he spent time worshipping in the high places near Jerusalem and he cursed it. I was happy knowing that my tree would come back and that it was not cursed—also knowing that if my fig tree stood as an example of my own personal fruit of the Spirit—well, I also had a cold season in my life before coming to know Christ. There will be plenty of fruit in the Spring.
What fruit do I have? Jesus gave me the gift to love others enough to forgive them. Giving forgiveness is a spectacular thing because you can’t see it or touch it. You know it’s there and you can feel it—so you know it’s real. It seems almost impossible to give away something like this to someone else and have them receive it without being able to see it either. But they also know that they received it. Getting forgiveness is also very special. Many times, life goes on without realizing there is a need to be forgiven. Forgiven people forgive others.
Why would anyone who is innocent need to be told the slate is clean? They don’t. It doesn’t mean that they’re actually innocent—there’s just a lot of denial involved. Untruthfulness. Eventually, as people ride their guilt like a crazy bucking bull, it might be time to get off and let someone else take the reigns. That is when a person can choose to accept help and receive peace from their struggles. This rest from the chaos and uncertainty in life brings great joy and causes a fearless nature to be kindled within.
When I was called to Christ years ago, I did not know how much I did not know—but I had an idea about where I could go to learn. It all started with me listening to old voice-only MP3 recordings of lectures online from some guy named Wayne Grudem. I could tell I was listening to someone who had spent a lifetime getting to know God. I heard him support his positions on both ethics and doctrine Scripturally. I later learned that he taught at a local school nearby. Phoenix Seminary took me in and nurtured my spiritual growth.
Eventually, I was blessed to take two classes taught by Dr. Grudem, and saw my teacher embody everything he taught. I knew I was in a place where the faculty preach what they teach because they live what they love. Today, I am a chef, chaplain, Celebrate Recovery® leader, mentor, and public speaker. God moved me to start this ministry, www.4Given.me, in order to help others like myself who need Bible-based support for what they believe and introduce them to a man named Jesus—who is God in the flesh—who has forgiven us so we can forgive others. Now, equipped and ready, I am a warrior going wherever His guidance leads—telling everyone I meet that forgiveness is when life begins.
After today I will unofficially have my Master of the Arts in Ministry with an emphasis in Counseling and Family. Let’s see where God leads me this time. 😁👍

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