
Forgiveness cools the flames

Giving forgiveness is a spectacular thing because you can’t see it or touch it. You know it’s there and you can feel it—so it must be real. It seems almost impossible to give away something like this to someone else and have them receive it without being able to see it either. But they will also know that they received it—without a doubt.

Getting forgiveness is also a very special thing. Many times, life goes on without realizing there is a need to be forgiven. Why would anyone who is innocent need to be told the slate is wiped clean? They don’t—but conviction can take hold of the heart and pull away the thin veil of innocence from any man who is willing to reflect on his deeds. That’s when guilt can take you on a wild ride—and just when you’re ready to get off and let someone else take the reigns, that is the moment you can choose to accept help and receive peace from your struggles. This rest brings great joy and causes a fearless nature to be kindled within. If forgiveness feels this great to receive, wouldn’t it be wrong to not share it with others?

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